Karen Ritchie VA

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Get to know me!

Hi! I thought it’d be a good start on my shiny new website to introduce myself on a blog so you can get to know me, Karen Ritchie.

So, you’ve probably already guessed that I’m highly organised, love a challenge and am trustworthy - it’s in my DNA! But I’m going to tell you a bit more about me, so you can get a feel for the kind of person I am and see if I’ll be a good fit for you and your business.


Originally from Musselburgh (the Honest Toun), I now live in Dunbar, East Lothian with my partner, Brian, and my 15 year old daughter, Nicole.

I love working with Scottish businesses, but my clients are global. The benefits of working virtually, eh?!


Going the extra mile for other people is at the core of everything I do. I’m conscientious and enjoy helping people out, which means I go out of my way for others, often putting everyone else before myself (something I’m working on!). My caring side is what people notice about me most, and that I’m friendly and light-hearted, with a bubbly personality. 

I’m sociable, fun-loving and enjoy going out with my family and friends. And I put my heart and soul into everything I put my mind to. Whether that’s hosting a family event, cooking dinner, or getting a client’s schedule sorted - I’m all in!


Family means so much to me because I’m really close to my daughter, my mum, dad, sister, niece and nephew. I love spending girly days with my teenage daughter, where we enjoy nothing more than heading to Stobo Castle for an overnight stay to recharge our batteries and switch off!

Family is one of the reasons I made the break into being self-employed and decided to use my organisational super powers to set up my business as a VA. It allows me the flexibility I’ve been craving so I can spend more time with my family.


Cooking brings me so much joy and I’m slightly obsessed with cooking programmes, although Brian hates them! (Of course, he doesn’t complain when he’s sampling the recipes!). I particularly love to bake. And once upon a time I used to create wedding and birthday cakes – now I don’t have the time to do this but I still enjoy making family celebration cakes and the odd cupcake now and again.  My daughter, Nicole, is much more into this now though – she’s taken over the reins!


When I’m not busy with work, family or slaving over a hot stove, Brian and I enjoy going out for nice meals. Our favourite place just now is Number One Restaurant at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh.  Both of us are so busy and work super hard, so it’s nice to switch off and reconnect over a luxurious meal, and we also really savour the odd weekend away when we can.  (We have vouchers to use at Fonab Castle and I cannot wait to go back there in the very near future!).


Being sat at my desk isn’t always ideal for my health - staring at a screen all day or being hunched over my keyboard doesn’t do much for my brain or my posture! So I love to get out for a bit of walking, exploring new spots around Dunbar or further afield. Walking has been fab for keeping me active. It’s also when I do a lot of my thinking, new ideas always pop into my head whilst I’m out and about - like my VA mentoring offer!

And I do enjoy cycling, but maybe not so much recently…possibly due to the fact that I’ve been cycling - what feels like - constantly! I decided to set myself a challenge to cycle 200 miles in July to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society in memory of my late father-in-law, Keith. (You can read more on that in this blog.)


When it comes to business, I’m very passionate about being a VA - supporting people by enhancing their productivity and bringing organisation to their business and personal life absolutely lights me up. Making sure the running of your business is taken care of, ensuring everything runs smoothly, being your behind the scenes hero in business, is what gets me up in the morning! 

No two days in my business are the same and I love the variety it brings! Whether you need support growing your business or you feel like your personal admin is a tad shambolic, I’ve got your back.  Running my clients’ businesses seamlessly behind the scenes is my super power, and I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved in such a short space of time. 


If you’ve been reading this and you’re thinking to yourself, “Hey, Karen, I need you in my life! I think we might be a dream team” then why not book in for a free virtual cuppa with me? We can chat about how I might be able to help you, or maybe you’re a VA too and want to find out more about my mentoring. Either way, let’s talk!