Here are 12 time-draining business tasks you can outsource

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Business owners know when they need help, but they don’t always know how to ask for it. Identifying areas in your business where you can delegate work is never easy, particularly if you're accustomed to always being in control. But when you do loosen your grip, you’ll soon discover a lot more time to focus on the tasks that matter the most.

In this blog, I’m going to outline some of the tasks that will free up the most time once you outsource them. Let’s get started.... 



If you use time tracking software or a project management suite, outsourcing your invoicing should be easy as pie. With someone else taking care of your invoicing, you can focus on doing your best work.

Chasing unpaid invoices

No one likes sending awkward emails asking for payment. If you regularly have to chase unpaid invoices, consider outsourcing this to someone who chases payments for a living.

Self assessment tax returns

Once you’ve outsourced your invoicing, it makes sense to outsource your self-assessment tax return. Using software like Quickbooks or Xero makes it easy to give access to your accounting information without actually giving access to your accounts. 


If you have a team of people under you, you could save a lot of time and stress by outsourcing payroll. Your team will thank you when their salary is paid on time, without fail.



Who has time to dedicate to crafting content every month? Outsource your blog and you’ll enjoy all of the perks of a regularly updated blog with none of the stress.

Social media scheduling

Being active on social media is non-negotiable for many business owners, but social media can be a drain on your precious time. Outsource social media to enjoy fresh ideas every month without feeling utterly drained.

Website SEO

Writing guest posts, optimising your content, adding new pages. Every business owner knows this needs to happen, but finding the time is a different story. When you outsource your SEO, you’ll benefit from another person’s expertise and could see your website traffic soar.

Creating social media images

You know you need original content to share on social media… but if you aren’t a designer by trade, you might struggle to stay consistent. Outsourcing this simple task can free up time while boosting your brand image.


Writing sales emails

Running a leads-based business requires you to be swift with emails. By outsourcing your sales email creation, you can increase your outreach and boost leads.

Appointment scheduling

If you’ve ever gone back and forth with a potential customer trying to find a time for a meeting, you’ll know how much of a waste of time this can be. By outsourcing this time-consuming task, you’ll free up more time to spend in meetings.

Pre-meeting research

When you need to impress a potential customer, outsourcing pre-meeting research can help you to be more informed and prepared. Asking an expert to weigh in on the research will allow you to cut through the noise and focus on the things that matter the most.

Writing sales brochures

Creating proposals and sales brochures for every potential client is a drain on your resources. By outsourcing this simple task, you can spend less time chasing the work and more time doing the work.

If you’re ready to outsource ANY of the tasks above, I encourage you to get in touch for a consultation call. We can run through your current challenges and see how I can help lighten the load.


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