How to start selling with confidence

One of the issues entrepreneurs can experience, particularly when building an online presence and creating new launches is shame and fear around selling. 

It can be easy to find an excuse to delay posting any promotional content or speaking about offers because the idea of selling online gives you the fear. This is why we encourage you to take a look at the views you hold about selling and remove any shame that you may have around this. 

Selling isn't something to be ashamed of; we all make purchases when we want or need something. If you are showing up authentically and forming connections with people who are a perfect fit for your business then don’t be afraid to let them know what you offer. We’ve put together three steps to reframe those negative feelings so that you can start selling with confidence. 


Look at the root of your beliefs

A great starting point is to look at your current beliefs around selling to identify the factors that have impacted it. Sometimes these beliefs about selling are attached to self-worth or the feeling that promotion is selfish and that no one will be interested. It can also come back to price, feeling as though we don’t deserve to charge as much as we do and fearing rejection. Sometimes all you need is just a moment to reframe those thoughts and remember the impact of your business.

If this is a particular struggle affirmations can be quite helpful for helping you to find the confidence to sell. If affirmations aren’t for you perhaps write down ten positive impacts your business has and look back on those when you need to. Having friends who are entrepreneurs or a strong support system can be fantastic here too!

Re-evaluate your targeting and messaging

If selling doesn’t feel natural to you at the moment consider re-evaluating your targeting to ensure your messaging is appropriate for your target clients. Appropriate messaging should make your target audience feel seen so that they are compelled to reach out. Even if your target individuals are at the heart of what you do they will still most likely need multiple touchpoints to convert into a client and it’s important that your messaging is clear and consistent across the board.  

If overly promotional content feels a little uncomfortable at the moment consider social selling techniques instead. Using testimonials and statistics will allow you to build trust and share the impact your business has on clients rather than just sharing information about your offerings. 

Offer value

A great way to ease yourself into more comfortable selling is to focus on the value you’re providing. For example, you could hold a free online masterclass on a subject you are highly knowledgeable on, you know this topic resonates with those that signed up and that makes it a great opportunity to make them aware of a relevant offering you have. Perhaps you have a piece of content that ties in well with one of your retainers, there’s absolutely no shame in making sure those relevant are aware of what you have to offer. The ball is in their court, you are just providing them with the details needed for them to make an informed decision.

If you have a new launch and you want to scream and shout about it don’t be afraid to promote it! There are many obstacles you will come across as an entrepreneur but this is one that you can overcome. 

A VA can help you with a variety of tasks, taking the pressure off and allowing you to focus on running your business. Let us be your wing women and help you to run your business seamlessly! Book a consultation call with Karen to learn more. 


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