VA Mentoring

“Who does she think she is, setting up a VA mentoring programme?”, I hear you say.

Well, my lovely, why wouldn’t I?!

I’m a VA with well over two decades of experience in my back pocket. I spent the majority of my career as a personal assistant working for some of the largest organisations in the UK. And since branching out on my own, I have grown a sustainable and profitable business that offers me the flexibility I want, so I can now choose when I work and pick clients who I love to work with.

I have not looked back once! The freedom is truly exhilarating!

What do you mean by freedom? There’s several parts to what I mean by “freedom”…and I’m sure there could be more, but these are the ones I’m talking about. 

I don’t waste time travelling to work anymore - goodbye dull daily commute! - and I no longer have to sit through those meetings that should’ve been an email (you know the ones, right?!). Instead I have on-boarding calls and any meetings scheduled in to fit around my family commitments, client work and time to focus on my own goals, which means I’m working on my terms. 

By being my own boss, I can charge a fee that works for me, that represents the value my years of experience bring with me to every project I work on. And this is key because having a sustainable income and thriving business is what I have strived for and achieved. I have regular money coming in. That is how we create financial freedom: No more worries about making ends meet. 

Setting up as a VA has allowed me to create the freedom to spend time with my daughter, not having to put family second, which means I love what I do even more, and I’m super proud of the business I have created.  

And I want this for you too.


Why mentoring?

Being a mentor means sharing information about your own career path, as well as offering guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. And having mentored people in the workplace in the past, I know how valuable my skills and expertise are, especially when you’re working by yourself and are new to the role.

My DMs and emails are chockablock with women wanting to leave their full-time office jobs or not wanting to go back after maternity leave, asking me for advice on becoming a virtual assistant. They’ve seen me leave a great career as a PA after being made redundant, and they’ve watched me set up on my own and flourish - even during an economic downturn and pandemic! - and they want in.

They want the freedom, and why shouldn’t they?!

Because of this, I’ve created two new ways of working with me - where I can support you on your journey to building a successful VA business. If I can do it, you can too. It takes focus, perseverance and a lot of hard work, but also support!


6 Week Programme

This is the ultimate VA support programme, where I offer unlimited dedicated support to help you setup and grow your own VA business. It’s exactly what I wish I’d had when I first set out on my own! I’d definitely have achieved freedom faster, which is why I know this will be amazing for you. 

We’ll have a 60 minute call weekly or bi-weekly on zoom and you’ll be able to email me in between with any worries or ideas you want to go through. Plus, you’ll have unlimited support via WhatsApp for the full 6 weeks. You can pick my brains as much as you want! 

We begin by looking at where you want to be in 6 months and 12 months time, setting your goals, and figuring out the steps for you to take in order to achieve them. We will go through your offerings and packages - both now and where you want to move towards - and look at pricing. And we’ll look at your ideal clients and where to find them!

My expertise is at your fingertips, so we’ll cover everything you need for growing a profitable and sustainable VA business, from legal requirements to business tools. I’ll help you with sourcing courses for up-skilling yourself and any Facebook group recommendations, and I’ll be on hand to advise with time management and answer any questions you have! (Remember, there are no silly questions!)

Due to the bespoke nature and commitment levels required for this, numbers are limited, so snap up your spot now! Investment for 6 sessions of my dedicated support and expertise is currently only £750 OR, if you just need a one off session, you can book in with me for £150 per hour.

Book your 6 Week Programme now!

Monthly VA Mentor Support 

If you’re already set up as a VA and are doing okay, but sometimes feel like you’re treading water because you’re not quite at the freedom level yet, then this one is for you.

You might just need someone to guide you a little bit each month, and lend you an ear - like you used to have in your old office team, but with less of the hassle! This flexible monthly package is ideal for confidence boosting.

I understand how hard it is working by yourself, with only the walls to bounce ideas off, so this service gives you my expertise and support on an ad hoc basis throughout the month.

I’ll be on hand to answer questions you have, help you to navigate around certain systems that we use in the VA biz, or give you advice on which ones you could use for various services. All you need to do is drop me an email or a WhatsApp message, and I’ll guide you through the problem!

This monthly package gives you the reassurance of having a friendly, reliable and supportive mentor who’ll help you grow and develop your confidence to build your VA business into the successful and sustainable profession you’ve been dreaming of. 

For less than the cost of a meal out (£75 per month), you can have access to my expertise when you need it most, on a monthly rolling basis.

Book VA mentoring now!


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And I would cycle 200 miles…