Why Work With a VA? 4 Business Owners Share

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There are so many reasons to consider hiring a VA. Some are obvious, and some are less so. You might not know you need help with someone until someone offers to take it off your hands.

But handing over control to someone else – particularly when they are working remotely – is never easy. That’s why I do everything in my power to make the process as smooth as possible. 

And once we’re working in a comfortable rhythm, you might discover that I have a few additional skills that you want to put to use in your business. 

Yes, a VA can sort out your inbox and help with scheduling, but this is only really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting the full value from your VA.

These are just some of the unexpected ways I can help you grow your business, as told by my lovely clients...

Take back your evenings

Giving you more hours in the day is one of the simplest ways I can help your business grow. When you have time to wind down, switch off and relax in the evenings, you’re going to be a more effective business owner.

Admin often spills over into the evening and weekends if you let it. But by working with a VA, you can protect your time and make sure your work stays within the confines of your office hours. Here’s what Don Wild had to say:

“Karen has taken away my administrative burden, which was usually being done during my evenings! My core admin work, invoicing, budget management and diary management is all done for me by Karen.”

Business coaching

I might not be a business coach by name, but that doesn’t mean I won’t share some pretty helpful insight with you. So much of business is keeping on top of admin, and I’ve been doing that professionally for the past 20 years.

When I work with a client, I don’t have to be silently working away in the background, helping to keep the cogs turning. I can also provide a sounding board for ideas and guidance on your next move. Tricia Murray said it perfectly:

“Karen has literally transformed my business but also coached me, listened to me, thought things out with me, dropped me emails to check in on me.”

So if you’re a solopreneur feeling overwhelmed by the demands of running a business alone, a VA can help with so much more than just admin. I can be your work BFF when you need someone to talk to and keep you accountable.

Siobhan also had some words on the topic: “I am prone to waffling and big thinking, but she hones my ideas down, figures out an order for them and sets me on course.”

Take a break

Taking a holiday as a business owner is nothing short of stressful. You can either keep one eye on your emails and never really switch off, or else you need to find someone you can trust to take the wheel while you’re away.

This is how I’ve helped Carla Miller to take control of her business and feel confident to take time off:

“​​I know that when something is delegated to Karen it will get done and I don't need to think about it again. Thanks to Karen I can now go on holiday and actually leave my laptop behind and switch off my emails.”

Implement systems

Using systems in your business will change everything. Taking a streamlined approach to work is, without a doubt, the best way to find more time and avoid any mishaps when running a business. This is what Siobhan had to say about it:

“Since working with her, my clients actually have a system, not just ad hoc emails and random voice notes. And I’ve started using lists!”

So if any of this sounds like where you want to be in your business, I encourage you to get in touch today! Let’s kick off with a 20-minute consultation to find out how I can help you achieve your business goals.


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