How to create a great email newsletter

The new year is fast approaching and you may well be re-evaluating your current marketing and promotion strategy. It’s likely that in 2023 customers will demand authenticity, really appreciating that personal touch. But when starting a newsletter you need to make sure it engages your audience rather than just becoming another unread email in their inbox.


Get creative with the subject line

Even if your subscribers sign up for your emails, there’s no guarantee that they will open your emails once they get them in their inbox. It can be tempting to keep the same or similar subject lines but this is not effective! Subject lines get old fast and this can become boring for long term subscribers. It’s important to provide an incentive from the subject line to grab attention and encourage your audience to open the emails. The best approach would be to vary subject lines, using creative copy and incorporating your personality. 

Be careful with your copy

With email newsletters clear and concise copy is a must. Newsletters are a great way to nurture your audience, providing them with value and directing them to longer form content or other content sources where relevant. You want to give them a taste of your content so that they are eager to see more from you or take you up on your most recent offer. The newsletter should feel friendly and conversational, leaving the customer in charge of the process. It should also fit your brand voice, incorporating humour and emojis/GIFS to keep attention. A lengthy email that’s overly promotional won’t leave your audience wanting more and could damage the opening rate of further emails, whereas interesting copy provides the best chance of success for your Call To Action. 

Choose a relevant design

Good design can make or break the effectiveness of your newsletters and as said with the copy, a newsletter shouldn’t feel boring or lengthy. A huge paragraph or never ending text is therefore not effective if you want to connect with your subscribers. It’s important that your newsletters follow your branding, this allows them to feel like an extension of your brand and a natural part of your strategy. White space is key in email newsletters too because it helps to visually alleviate the cluttered feel making the emails feel a lot more approachable. Images and GIFS help to break up the sections making it easy to distinguish between each individual section. 

For more helpful information subscribe to our newsletter!

If this blog has made you want to take the step into creating a newsletter for your business we would love to help! Book a consultation call with our team to learn more. 


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